Lianne M. Foley

  • (312) 447-9301

Lianne represents healthcare professionals and facilities in issues involving medical malpractice, long-term care negligence, and other members of the healthcare community in personal injury and medical negligence claims. Prior to joining Barker, Castro & Steinback, LLC, Lianne assisted various healthcare specialties with regulatory compliance. In addition, she has experience protecting healthcare entities from fraud and abuse, managing whistleblower complaints, government investigations, and reimbursement disputes. She has also advised on risk management, patient care, emergency response, and compliance with privacy laws like HIPAA.

  • Loyola University Chicago School of Law (2019)
  • Stony Brook University, M.S. Social Work (2016)
  • State University of New York at Plattsburgh, B.A. Psychology (2013)
  • Illinois (2019)